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About AndyPandy

  • Birthday 04/27/1962

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  1. Just going to round this off with the conclusion if anyone in the future has the same question and uses search. check in was midnight- U.K. time as the ship departs Southampton U.K. It was at 45 days. APP for us in the U.K. showed the incorrect date, ie 24th not 25th. As APP shows USA time, so check in opened there 5pm ( Eastern) which was 24th, and equals U.K. Midnight. Check in popped up a few minutes after midnight.
  2. For all dinning, including the speciality restaurants, particularly on a set meal, not say buffet. If you have got allergies, have you had any unexpected, or good substitutes for course? ie Sea food and Fish.
  3. Thank you, would be nice for “ one date and time” clearly stated on App and Website
  4. Thank you, my thoughts, and my recall from last year. But a back to back cruiser booking Cruise1 before mine said it was 5am ( uk) that’s midnight USA. But departs Southampton. ( uk).
  5. With thanks to prior responses. We are still getting different answers. A reminder- in the U.K., and two dates for Online check in. 24th on the APP 25th on the website reservation. Now I recall last year it opened up at midnight UK time as it sailed from the U.K. A poster on a prior cruise ( back to back) said 5am UK as it always opens on USA time? I understand the OLCI opened up on the local port departure time? Is it all now Eastern USA? It may seem not a lot to worry about, but now we have options. Midnight either 24 or 25th 5 am either 24 or 25th. All 45 day calculations show Thursday 25! Anymore advice? Thanks in advance.
  6. Depends on the ship. I found for example Anthem, only Spectra's was pre bookable, everything else was just turn up.
  7. It’s fine, but that’s the confusion that it’s showing two dates, but same time zones.
  8. Thanks for a reply, but local time zone and Home port time zone, are both exactly the same, both U.K. both BST, British summer time, but two different dates. My question was, which one is actually correct.
  9. First apologies in advance this may have been asked before but “search” doesn’t help with this. We are having a debate in our Itinerary group and different opinions. So the cruise is the Anthem from Southampton U.K. Check in is this week. Website says 25th, the RCCL App quotes 24th. I believe this is a common known issue but confusing. I myself from past experience think it’s the 25th, ie overnight between 24/25 at Midnight BST (British summer time) the local time to Southampton embarkation. 25th is exactly 45 days pre cruise. Others feel the APP is correct it shows 24, and so implies midnight 23-24. Others feel it’s USA time, ie Eastern USA time midnight and that’s 5am U.K. Now it may not matter to most, but it’s the potential of getting up two nights in a row and the first being wrong. I think the APP is on US time hence it flags up 24th, which would be correct as the time difference is the 5 hours. Just would like this question to be answered please, not anything more re Port arrival times, etc. So I think overnight 24/25; which is exactly 45 days? It’s what I seem to recall from last year and APP is best? Thank you.
  10. I have had two RCCL cruises out of Southampton recently, both on the Anthem, a great ship. But whilst they deploy the Independence there, I am sailing another cruise line.
  11. It was open about 10am when we went in September
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