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AGSLC5 last won the day on September 26 2015

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About AGSLC5

  • Birthday 01/17/1987

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    Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
  • Interests
    Any thing Royal Caribbean and Disney! I love them both

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  1. Eden is also my #1 and shouldn't be missed. I also enjoy Fine Cut and suggest a reservation there as well.
  2. Ok Thank you. I thought hooked might be excluded but I couldn't remember. I think I will just get the unlimited dining package then because I am going with friends who really want to go to hooked. But thank you for also giving me the info about the app I will check that out for all exclusions
  3. Hello, Normally I buy a dining package and I don't even take advantage of my dining plus BOGO however, I am thinking about using it on my upcoming 3 night Utopia Sailing.. I have a couple of questions. #1. Can I go to chops night 1 and use the BOGO at Hooked on night 2 or is hooked excluded from the promo? #2. If this plan will work can I booked Chops ahead of time on the cruise planner or do I have to wait to book onboard? Thanks Everybody
  4. It's very Easy. You go on their website and fill out a form. It has you upload offers that you get from other cruise lines or land based casinos. They quickly verify it and then they assign you a "host" You then tell the host what exactly you need and they contact the cruise line and go to bat for you. I have used them when I wanted to try out Virgin. It was easy and best part is they call casino department for you so you don't have to talk to 100 different people getting 100 different answers lol.
  5. Why don't you just use URCOMPED to get you started with celebrity? They will take care of you. Tell them you will qualify for onyx quickly and you need them to get Celebrity to wave the cash advance fee for you. They will tell you if they can do that for you or not.. They did it for me on Virgin i think they could get celebrity to do it for you. Worst thing would be they say no. Then once URCOMPED gets you in the door and you qualify on your own which I know you will, you don't have to use URCOMPED anymore. You can just use celebrity like you do Royal.
  6. You actually don't have to email them.. I do this every year. All you have to do is go the the rewards desk in Las Vegas at any MGM resort hotel. You tell them you want to status match with your royalcaribbean status.. They then ask for your crown and anchor number to verify. I always just pull up my royal app which has my number and my diamond plus status and they match me in about 2 min. it's very easy. I do it every time at Park MGM.
  7. I am very Glad you got to go to La Bamba. Also good idea you went at 4:00PM. On Saturdays as soon as it becomes 6:00 there is always a wait. Enjoy the rest of your vacation I can't wait to see some pics from the Royal Loft!!
  8. I believe I was on on the sailing right after you on March 18. I always buy UDP and still the food was not very good. The shows on Oasis class and now Icon class can't be beat and I have been on I believe 56 Royal Caribbean Cruises but I really have moved over to more Celebrity now. Still I like the newer ships I am a new ship snob lol. When both your girls are officially out of the nest maybe you should try an Edge class ship and see if you like it. I saw you are trying Reflection but here is the problem with that. It's now old and wasn't refurbished so I feel like it's not a fair test to see if you like the brand. I don't mind the solstice class ships and I still go on them but I strongly prefer Edge class and you can really tell the difference between the two classes. I still think you will have a great time on Reflection but I would give Celebrity one more chance on an Edge class ship.
  9. It would be great to see you too. I have been trying other lines. I signed up with URcomped and they got me on Virgin which I love. The food is really good. The casino is on the smaller side but they have Ultimate Texas holdem and three card which are the two games I play and it is also non smoking. Also I love the Adult only aspect and it's not as wild as people think. It can be if you want it to be but if you just want to see some shows, eat good food, and gamble it's perfect. I am also even going to try princess next year and see what I think. This summer I am going on Beyond to the ABC islands and then over thanksgiving going on Ascent but next year I am trying a princess cruise that is 10 nights that goes to Eastern and Southern Caribbean. I heard getting in their casino program is not too difficult so hopefully that will happen and I will have another option to try.
  10. I am glad I could help you out. I have lived in plantation my whole life lol. I will never forget the first time my parents took me to La Bamba I was hooked and still am I am proud to say I dine in and take out from there quite often lol. Enjoy your cruise and of course Enjoy La Bamba!! I also am a big fan of the fried ice cream!!
  11. I am always here lol. I just read more than comment BUT I have loved La Bamba since childhood and I had to help her out lol. I have been doing a lot more cruising on Celebrity than Royal lately. Last march I went on Harmony and I know it was spring break but it was just not the best. The food really has declined and I just really like Edge class and solstice class ships better. I hope you're doing well. I saw you made pinnacle that's awesome. Oh and one more thing I really love that the Casinos on Celebrity are fully non smoking that is a game changer for me lol.
  12. I just wanted you to know I live 10 Minutes away from Sawgrass Mills Mall and I have been eating at La Bamba since I was 6 years old( I am now 37 so over 30 years) There is Most Definitely a La Bamba near Sawgrass Mills. It's literally like 7-8 min away by car. Sawgrass Mills is on a road called Sunrise Blvd. Its Sunrise Blvd and Flamingo Rd.. Well La Bamba is located on Sunrise Blvd and Nob Hill which is literally 3 streets away. Go to the La Bamba website and click on locations and pick the one that says plantation. Look up the address and you can put it into a gps and see how close it is. I just wanted you to know so you could still go to La Bamba if you want to.
  13. Yes I would definitely go with Edge class for your first time. Its the newest best experience and you will know for sure if you like celebrity or not.
  14. You should pick a solstice class or edge class ship. The millennium class is going to feel too small for you. I would go with the Edge class which is the newest class. It holds about 2900 people and has their best activities and entertainment and most food choices too. However, if you find a good deal on a solstice class ship I would say go for it too.
  15. Yes. They sent this offer out to anyone who has ever played even a small amount in the casino. The were having trouble filling the ship for those itineraries so they sent out a major email blasts for free cruise in a veranda on solstice.
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