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tonyfsu21 last won the day on August 3 2021

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  1. Kind of a dumpy area of Lauderhill but Hampton Inn’s are pretty consistent mid level hotels. I drive by every so often but don’t really know anyone who has stayed there. With that being said, if you can get a decent price it’s far enough outside the congested desirable downtown area but still within close proximity to the highway for your drive South on cruise day.
  2. Or longer, lots of supercharger stops in my Cybertruck!
  3. I am hoping we can still make it to Liberty by Saturday AM. Delta is still a complete mess but we fly Friday.
  4. Anyone have experience booking a last minute cruise? I am preparing for the possible cancellation of our Delta flight to LGA on Friday and checking the possibility of booking a 7 day cruise.
  5. Remember this is Miami! The Cubans don’t even eat dinner until 10pm.
  6. At MIA and FLL they have rideshare lined up at all hours of the night. No issues at 10pm at all. Also, I don’t really see it as any kind of a safety concern.
  7. Roulette is fun but it’s maybe one shade less mind numbing than endlessly pressing a slot button. At least with the machines the points are calculated by computer and not a pit boss. My favorite is the players trying to track the numbers. Does anyone realize there is a little ball that falls onto a spinning wheel?
  8. I second this^^^^. I don’t think there is a more efficient embark/debark out there. In the past, we have been in the car and on the way home as early as 6:30am. My brother and family sailed Wonder 2 weeks ago and they experienced the same. Also important to note, we are almost always onboard Wonder before 11am. Port Canaveral is a pleasure.
  9. If you are looking for a beach dry bag, this one is worthy (and on sale).
  10. What is the overall consensus on Bayonne ship departures? On time or late? We are headed to Bermuda on Liberty in a couple weeks and I made a 5:30 dinner reservation at Giovanni’s not considering the kids would want to see the ship go under the Verrazano. If it left as scheduled (4:00pm) do you think we cross under the bridge by 5pm or should I push dinner back to 6:30 (if available)? Thanks!
  11. Also important to note, heavy investment in land based destinations to keep people spending with the company. Here is a very recent pic of the RC beach club construction in Nassau:
  12. I too would prefer 7 days on a mega ship like Utopia but the weekend (short) cruise demand has exploded. I do these short cruises often and have noticed the trend (especially out of Miami). There is clearly a heavy push to get the new cruisers and quick weekend party crowds to sail. I have a feeling the trend will continue and we will see these big ships start out catering to the weekend trips and eventually morph into the standard 7 day routes.
  13. Go to the grocery store one more time but this time pick up the whole milk instead of the 2% and see what happens. It’s all about being at the right machine at the right time. A room full of random number generators and a fixed point per dollar system can be a mixed bag of tricks. I hope you get lucky (also, always go to Publix!).
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