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GregD last won the day on February 28

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About GregD

  • Birthday November 6

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    Scotia, NY

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  1. We had a great time with Berty on Harmony in February. If you see him, tell him these crazy kids say hi (Lydia and Johnny)
  2. HAHAHA, it's probably for the best.....that relationship was a bit toxic
  3. check out Galveston Salt Water moms, they are on Facebook and their rates are pretty decent
  4. That burrata and pesto appetizer is one of my favorite things to eat. Glad you are having a good time so far!
  5. but....but.....Oasis and Aqua80 Also @Mrs. Regular Gen X, also from Upstate NY, having teenager flashbacks when you mentioned that song
  6. Just got caught up here. I'm sorry for completely missing the start of your cruise. Thank you for all the PB info and pictures. I have the day bed next to yours booked for next month, and now I'm even more excited to go. Your food pictures are making me drool! Enjoy the rest of your week!
  7. It will say on your reservation paperwork. Typically it's early in the morning with disembarkation starting shortly after 7 depending on customs clearing the ship.
  8. Got caught up last night. It looks like you had an amazing time, aside from the excursion that went awry. The pictures look amazing. I can't wait to hear all the stories and see the NSFTB pictures in person in a few short months!
  9. @TheBoss518 and I love using some of the new slang (poorly) with our kids and watching them cringe in horror, especially the daughter. It's so much fun
  10. Oasis has Giovannis vs Jamies Italian on Harmony Oasis has the Music Hall, where Harmony has Wonderland Oasis has Plamakers where Harmony has Sabor, which I hated Oasis has what many consider to be the best Aquashow (Aqua80) Oasis has El Loco Fresh, while Harmony has Mini Bites that kinda does the ELF menu Oasis has a pool in the solarium, Harmony doesn't. Oasis has Portside BBQ, Harmony doesn't. Oasis has Cats, Harmony has Grease in the main theater. I have sailed both ships, if the itinerary is the same, while Oasis is older than Harmony, I would probably pick Oasis. Portside BBQ, Playmakers and El Loco Fresh are huge hits with my family. I also would watch Aqua80 every day if I could. I'm sure there is more that I am forgetting, but those are the highlights
  11. Looking forward to following along. I'll be heading to Paradise beach for the first time as well next month, so I cant wait to see your perspective.
  12. This is when you come to the rescue, and just say "It's for the people, now go stand next to the gorilla, it's what they want." out of curiosity.....what were those 4 Hwerid looking things floating in the soup? Also, everything tastes better in the street vendors overseas because they are using the same fry oil from probably 1980, and it is just pure lard, and decades of accumulated.......flavors.....As gross as this sounds, it makes for some tasty treats!
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