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WAAAYTOOO last won the day on May 26

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  1. It depends on whose name is attached to each of the offers. If both you and your wife each have one of those offers, then yes - you would be able to “split up” and each book one of the offers with one of your friends as the second guest. If both offers are in the same person’s name then it wouldn’t work b/c one of the passengers in each cabin must be the “owner” of the offer. However, even if you cannot use both of the offers for the same sailing, you may be able to get a second cabin at a casino discount. This is one of those YMMV situations. I’ve never tried to use this kind of discount but I’ve read of others who have.
  2. Not specifically related to these sailings, but I have been reading others’ accounts of the “sale” that includes fairly substantial OBC as a booking bonus. In those comments many have noted that in order to get the best price, you must omit the C&A number b/c the C&A “discount” actually causes the OBC to be reduced to a point that the overall fare is higher with the C&A discount. So be sure that you price your cruise both with and without your C&A number entered to see which one yields the best overall value.
  3. That's a good hypothesis....and actually sounds like it might be accurate. Is there a way to make the reservation for 4 people for now ? I have no idea if you can even do that since I've never even thought about it. It would be expensive up front but you could cancel the 2 "phantom" people once onboard for OBC. I dunno. Maybe you couldn't even do that since you wouldn't have a cabin number or names to input for the initial rezzie.
  4. YIPPEE !!! You finally made it ! SOOOOO happy to hear that you are finally getting to cruise. I look forward to hearing all about it. Congratulations and have a GREAT time !
  5. I knew about the design FUBAR but I guess I never realized that Carnival didn't use azipods. Interesting
  6. Translation: They never got the reservation from shoreside until it was too late to seat you all together. Enjoy your meal in the corner - alone.
  7. WOW ! White jacket for dinner. It's been a LONG time since I've seen that. Truthfully, I didn't even remember this until I looked at your picture. ....and that lobstah is UUUUUGE. ...and he cut it out for you. AHHHHH... ...and look at that mound of rice ! You don't get it like that anymore !! These are incredible photos, Sabrina. What a beautiful family you have.
  8. Yes. On Utopia the Sky JS has all of the full Sky class suite amenities.
  9. I think you did the right thing. I just got an alert that Delta is still canceling lots of flights. Best of luck. This just sucks.
  10. Voyager does not have a Coastal Kitchen. JS have no exclusive meals included.
  11. None is required, that I am aware of. I have used a military discount a few times and they never ask for anything. MANY years ago, I sailed on Carnival and had to FAX them a copy of my MID but that has never happened on Royal. I guess they just trust that you're telling the truth. I certainly would carry my MID/CAC or DD-214 with me just in case, though.
  12. Largely, I think the days of good last minute deals are long gone...but as @AshleyDillo noted, they do sometimes pop up.
  13. Yikes ! So sorry to hear this, doc. Hang in there. It's not sooo bad being feeble and hobbly.
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